Saturday, March 21, 2009

It’s not easy being green!

Why did I turn up to work today dressed in green tights, green skirt and emerald top?

Tell me why I wore the greenest shoes I owned and platted my hair into pigtails with matching limy hair ties? Tell me why I was looking forward to beer o’clock, green Guinness, replica pubs and general inappropriate behaviour when St Patrick’s day was ages ago?


This is what happens when starting work as the security guards open the gates in the morning, and finishing well past when the girls at reception have answered their last prank call. This is the direct result of working weekends in a windowless office and not having time for meaningful contact with the rest of the inebriated world.

So today despite it being days too late, I’m going to celebrate St Maggie’s day and make up for my lack of Patrick.

Ms unhappy-little-leprechaun M.