Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gurn for Gold!

Some would say that I’m already a world gurning champion.

It could be the British blood that surfaces no matter how hard I try to repress it.

It could be because I’m a horsey girl on a budget, and on the weekends I walk around with a horse’s collar around my neck as I can’t afford the rest of the four-legged beast.

It could be because my lips are naturally luscious and springy.

It could also be because I’m reaching an age where my teeth are ready to fall out.

Yet regardless of reason, I’m determined to turn this unsightly negative into an unsightly positive, and the best part about it is that unlike Wife Carrying, I don’t need a husband for a partner.

If only Mum could see me now!

Ms hoping-the-wind-doesn’t-change M.