Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Phelps or not to Phelps... that is the question.

Ok so the webcam hasn’t happened yet, so you will all have to put up with the ugliness that is Angelia Jolie's chin. I know I know - it’s disgusting bordering on immoral, but time this week has sprinted away from me faster than Phelps in whatever event he chooses to swim in. I’m sure bordering on certain that there is a correlation between the passing of time and what you do with it, because having spent five days a week stuck behind the same desk, almost the same chair, and pretty much the same section of thin carpet for the past twenty-one years of my life, I have found that time has shot away into hyperdrive. On those extremely rare occasions where I get to do something different or exciting or god forbid spontaneous, it seems that then, and only then, is when time takes a bit of a breather and turns the start of the day into last Monday. It’s on days like today that I wonder why I ended up in admin at a zoo of all the places and people that I could have wound up enjoying. I could have been a somebody; a contender; the woman who fits the speedos on Phelps. But instead I was here; tapping away at a keyboard that was more E.coli than plastic and looking out the dirt-stained window to all the tourists having a ball. There had to have been a wrong turn taken somewhere – a left when I should have gone straight ahead – but I hadn’t so I wasn’t, I was here and not out there, which made me happy in a sad kind of way because it was bitterly cold outside.
Must get back to work and find a store that sells non-scratchy scarves,

The semi-fabulous Ms M.